June 10—12, 2025
Guadalajara, Jalisco

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With EXPO PACK 365, knowledge and innovation are always within your reach.

EXPO PACK 365 is your constant source of information and trends in the packaging and processing industry, designed to keep you updated all year round. Stay informed with the best solutions, innovations, and market trends. EXPO PACK 365 offers valuable and relevant insights so you can always stay one step ahead in this dynamic sector.

Know more about all our EXPO PACK 365 initiatives, click on each logo to learn more

Explore interviews with industry leaders, Q&A sessions with top executives, and success stories. Discover how PMMI and its members drive innovation and efficiency in Mexico’s packaging and processing market.

mundo EXPO PACK is the leading Latin American media outlet aimed at professionals in packaging, food and beverage processing, and automation, with a focus on Mexico and Latin America.

The Young Professionals Network connects emerging talents in packaging and processing, promoting education and networking. Ideal for young professionals looking to advance their careers in the industry.

The PPWLN is dedicated to advancing women’s careers in the industry by promoting innovation in packaging and processing. Join the network to empower and support your peers in driving industry progress.

In a collaborative environment, the OpX Leadership Network Executive Council discusses common industry challenges and develops solutions based on three key pillars: people, processes, and projects. Free solutions created by and for the industry.

Register for webinars led by industry leaders. In just one hour, learn about the latest trends and best practices in the dynamic world of packaging and processing.

Access up-to-date market studies, key industry trends, and an extensive directory of leading packaging and processing companies.

Explore interviews with industry leaders, Q&A sessions with top executives, and success stories. Discover how PMMI and its members drive innovation and efficiency in Mexico’s packaging and processing market.

mundo EXPO PACK is the leading Latin American media outlet aimed at professionals in packaging, food and beverage processing, and automation, with a focus on Mexico and Latin America.

The Young Professionals Network connects emerging talents in packaging and processing, promoting education and networking. Ideal for young professionals looking to advance their careers in the industry.

The PPWLN is dedicated to advancing women’s careers in the industry by promoting innovation in packaging and processing. Join the network to empower and support your peers in driving industry progress.

In a collaborative environment, the OpX Leadership Network Executive Council discusses common industry challenges and develops solutions based on three key pillars: people, processes, and projects. Free solutions created by and for the industry.

Register for webinars led by industry leaders. In just one hour, learn about the latest trends and best practices in the dynamic world of packaging and processing.

Access up-to-date market studies, key industry trends, and an extensive directory of leading packaging and processing companies.

Know more about all our EXPO PACK 365 initiatives

PODCAST “unPACKed with PMMI en Español”

Escucha a los líderes de la industria, participa en sesiones de preguntas y respuestas con ejecutivos de alto nivel, estudia casos de éxito y más. Descubrirás cómo PMMI y sus miembros están impulsando la innovación y eficiencia en el mercado mexicano del empaque y procesamiento, adaptándose a las nuevas demandas del sector y mejorando continuamente las operaciones comerciales para mantenerse competitivos y relevantes.

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mundo EXPO PACK is the leading Latin American media outlet, in Spanish, published by PMMI Media Group, aimed at professionals involved in packaging processes, food and beverage processing, and automation in Mexico and Latin America.

Through its website, in-person events, webinar series, printed publications, electronic newsletters, and social media channels, Mundo EXPO PACK provides high-quality information and analysis on technologies, market intelligence, and trends.

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The Young Professionals Network is a network of engaged, young professionals in packaging and processing dedicated to advancing the industry through its next generation of leaders through education and networking. The network is ideal for entry to mid-level professionals age 35 and younger (suggested, but not required) who have roles across the supply chain, from sales managers to marketing coordinators, to engineers. No matter the role, any promising individual who consistently shows leadership potential and commitment to career advancement within the member company could significantly benefit from participation in the Young Professionals Network.

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The Packaging & Processing Women's Leadership Network (PPWLN) is dedicated to recruiting, retaining, and advancing the careers of women in the industry.

Join the PPWLN Latin America movement as we open the door to empower and support our peers in driving innovation in the packaging and processing industries.

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In an open and collaborative environment, the OpX Leadership Network Executive Council discusses common industry challenges and participates in the development of new work products through special task forces and solutions groups. Work products are developed around three key manufacturing pillars: people, process and projects. The OpX Leadership Network’s library of solutions is developed by industry, for industry and free for all to use.

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Discover and register for upcoming webinars led by industry leaders, designed to keep you ahead of the curve in the dynamic world of packaging and processing. In just one hour, gain valuable insights on the latest trends, innovations, and best practices shaping the industry.

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Episodio 4 : Temporada 2

Acceso remoto a equipos: ¿cuál es la mejor opción para operaciones de empaque?

Guests: Carlos Quintero, director de Servicios de la Industria de PMMI, Jorge Izquierdo, vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Mercados de PMMI

El acceso remoto a equipos ya no es opcional en la industria del empaque y procesamiento, pero ¿cuál es la mejor opción? En este episodio de unPACKed con PMMI en Español, Carlos Quintero, director de Servicios a la Industria de PMMI, conversa con Jorge Izquierdo, vicepresidente de Desarrollo de Mercados de PMMI, sobre cómo estas soluciones optimizan el mantenimiento, agilizan el diagnóstico de fallas y garantizan la continuidad operativa. Desde los más destacados hallazgos de la Red de Liderazgo OpX en la materia, hasta criterios para elegir entre VPNs y redes gestionadas externamente, así como consideraciones de ciberseguridad y cumplimiento, encuentre en este episodio todo lo que necesita saber para tomar la mejor decisión.


Episodio 3 : Temporada 2

Envasado de snacks: tendencias en digitalización, automatización y hábitos de consumo

Guests: Jorge Izquierdo, VP de Inteligencia de Mercados de PMMI, Carlos Quintero, director de Servicios de la Industria de PMMI.

El mercado de snacks en México está evolucionando impulsado por nuevas tendencias de consumo, avances en automatización y un enfoque cada vez más fuerte en la sustentabilidad. Jorge Izquierdo, VP de Inteligencia de Mercados de PMMI, conversa con Carlos Quintero, Director de Servicios a la Industria de PMMI, sobre cómo la industria del empaque puede adaptarse a estas exigencias, ofreciendo soluciones más eficientes, sostenibles y alineadas con las preferencias del consumidor. ¿Cómo están evolucionando los hábitos de compra?, ¿qué innovaciones están optimizando las líneas de producción? ¿cuál es el impacto de la sustentabilidad en las operaciones? Estas y más respuestas en este nuevo episodio de unPACKed con PMMI en Español.


Episodio 2 : Temporada 2

¿Cómo hacer una transición exitosa a materiales flexibles en los envases? La red OpX ofrece una hoja de ruta

Guests: Carlos Quintero, director de Servicios de la Industria de PMMI.

En este episodio, Carlos Quintero, director de Servicios de la Industria de PMMI, dialoga con Jorge Izquierdo sobre cómo planificar, probar y optimizar el uso de materiales flexibles en los envases. Carlos comparte las mejores prácticas para una transición exitosa a diseños y formatos innovadores, y destaca cómo la red OpX de PMMI apoya a las CPG con guías que aseguran la compatibilidad entre materiales y equipos. ¿Qué desafíos estás enfrentando en esta transición? Escucha el episodio completo para descubrir soluciones aplicables.


Episodio 1 : Temporada 2

EXPO PACK 365: conexión e innovación todos los días del año

Guests: Celia Navarrete, directora de EXPO PACK.

Celia Navarrete, directora de EXPO PACK, nos presenta EXPO PACK 365, una innovadora plataforma diseñada para mantener a los profesionales del empaque conectados y actualizados durante todo el año. Con recursos exclusivos, EXPO PACK 365 es un ecosistema que potencia la innovación y fortalece las conexiones dentro de la industria en América Latina. Además, este episodio trae una primicia para la audiencia de unPACKed con PMMI en Español: un adelanto sobre una gran novedad que veremos en EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2025.


Nov 12, 2024

How Are Consumer Goods Companies in Latin America Preparing for the Challenges of a New Packaging Legislative Landscape?

Presented by: Daniela González and Sofía Díaz Rivera.

- Learn about global and Latin American regulations that impact packaging development.
- Assess how new regulations influence the strategies of consumer goods companies to reduce packaging waste.
- Identify best practices for innovating in packaging and achieving your sustainability goals.4o

Stay Informed - Check out the latest content!

Webinar 7, noviembre 12 de 2024 - 10 AM CT

How Are Consumer Goods Companies in Latin America Preparing for the Challenges of a New Packaging Legislative Landscape?

Register Here!
Episode 8

How to Balance Professional and Personal Life in the Packaging Industry.


PODCAST unPACKed with PMMI en Español

Listen to us on your favorite podcast platform; just search for "unPACKed with PMMI en Español."

You can already find us on Spotify! And soon, we’ll also be available on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • Spotify

    How to Balance Professional and Personal Life in the Packaging Industry

    Listen Now
  • iHeart Radio

    Female Leadership in the Digital Age: Opportunities for Growth and Development

    Listen Now
  • Apple Podcasts

    Vision 2030 Mexico and Success Strategies in the Mexican Industry

    Listen Now


Webinar 7, noviembre 12 de 2024 - 10 AM CT

How Are Consumer Goods Companies in Latin America Preparing for the Challenges of a New Packaging Legislative Landscape?

Register Here Now!


June 10 - 12, 2025 | Expo Guadalajara | Guadalajara, Jalisco

EXPO PACK Guadalajara 2025 is the premier packaging and processing show of 2025 in Latin America with over 700 exhibitors offering unparalleled access to a targeted audience of more than 16,000 eager buyers and decision-makers.

Reserve My Booth


Quantifiable outlook of specific markets or trends as it pertains to the packaging and processing industry.



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